Times are always changing. Its always tremendously important for filmmakers to understand what has continued to work over the years, and what they can do to make changes. These changes are the fuel an audience needs to get up off their sofa's and drive down to their local multiplex and spend 15 dollars (yes... it is that much in some places of LA - 16ish for IMAX) to see a movie.
Lets go back fifteen years. We had movies (mainly Disney) that were geared towards younger audiences. Parents were dragged (at least mine were) to movies like 'Beauty and the Beast', 'Aladdin', 'Lion King' and so on. Sure they enjoyed them enough, thanks to their morals and marrying of 16 year old protagonists. But, one thing that separates kids movies then from today, is that now, adult audiences actually like to see them. I think this was mainly due to 'Shrek' and its subtle but perverse humor. Its something that kids don't understand, but parents find humor in. That is why, I think kids movies have changed. (Take a look at 'Enchanted' if you don't agree, a movie created to make fun of the classic Disney movies)

My birthday came recently, and the morning after the party, a group of friends and I watched my friend Brandon's gift, 'Bolt' on Blu-ray. 'Bolt' is a tremendous success in the family movie category (Note to the parents - it is not perverse in any way). It is funny in a random/silly way, sort of like (I'm going out on a limb with this) Family Guy. It starts with a bunch of goofy minor characters interacting with the delusional Bolt. Soon after, Mittens the realist cat is introduced. And finally, Rhino... the hamster. Each character steals a bit of the movie, mainly in that order. And some of the best vocal performances I've heard (I mean by characters - not so much due from Miley Cyrus's additions to the soundtrack). To finish off the film, is a decent climax with a very heartwarming conclusion.

If you are a fan of films like 'Shrek', 'Surfs Up', & 'Kung Fu Panda', I have a feeling you'll laugh as we all did at this twist on a familiar tail. (Intentional)
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