I'll start off by saying that when I went to see 'Slumdog Millionaire', I was the only one in my group of five that had heard about it. It would take a few weeks before it became the sensation it was created to be.
I am writing this post because I walked out of that movie theatre feeling just like everyone else. Happy I saw it. But, unlike everyone else... I certainly do not think it was quite as spectacular as everyone else in the world did.
Slumdog was, to me, a very safe story revisiting the 'star crossed lovers' path, though haven't we have all heard this before? Maybe with its fantastic editing, great cast, new/ more harsh settings, and brilliant directing this movie seemed fresh and inviting.

Im adding this link. Its to "High-Def Digest's review of the Blu-Ray. The reviewer and I had similar views about the film. http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/2179/slumdogmillionaire.html
Now, please dont misinterpret me when I say that the movie was really really good. I just didn't think it was the years best picture (I didn't see all the noms mind you). And there were very few things I didn't like. The one that bothered me most, was that it was in english. Was that was really just a ploy to get us dumb americans off our backsides and to the theatres.... heaven forbid we have to read subtitles.
So, dont hate me for thinking this past years most critically aclaimed film was good, but not sensational.

On another note, I saw 'Motorcycle Diaries' last night. I thought that was tremendous.
Foucs Features seems to always want to pull out all the stops to be sure originality is the
main ingredient for their films (Eternal Sunshine, Milk, Lost in Translation, Brokeback Mountain). Apparently the company is one any director (minus perhaps Michael Bay or Bret Raitner) would like to work with to make what film's sometimes still aspire to be - art. Also I'll note, Gael Garcia Bernal is someone I would like to see more often in big films (though he seems content making lower budget ones with more meaning). If you havent seen it, rent it (and make sure your disk isnt scratched.... mine was and was skipping all over the place.... I thought I was watching the graphics from twilight again).

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