Friday, April 17, 2009

Half Blood Prince

That is the question, isn't it?  Who/what is the half blood prince?  Hmmmm....
Well, Im a big Harry Potter fan and am eagerly waiting the release of the HBP.  But, I dont understand why they are taking so long to get it out.  I mean sheesh.  Just release it already.  

Anyways, here is the most recent trailer.  Looks pretty cool but when I looked up some added info on the delay of the film.... I learned of some very disappointing scenes/character cuts from the film. *grumble*  Why characters scenes are cut from a film while they add new ones is beyond me... People were happy with the book, why make changes? *grumble*)

1 comment:

  1. Stop being a prissy Patty Purist.. They are different formats.. let the filmmakers do their thing and take some liberties. Cause if you stick too close to the script you get WATCHMEN.. ENOUGH SAID.
