So ends another year. We have not only that change, but the end of the decade and a full moon! The wolves are going to be out tonight!
Anyways, Yahoo! put together their "Most Watched Trailers of 2009". Over at RopeofSilicon was their opinion on the top 25 movies of the year. Im going to give one final post of the decade and rate my favorite trailers, top soundtracks, and my favorite movies.
Trailers of 2009: KEEP IN MIND. IM NOT SAYING THESE WERE ALL GOOD MOVIES. The trailer simply got me more excited than other previews...
12. Inkheart
11. Drag Me To Hell
10. Sunshine Cleaning
9. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
8. Avatar
7. Nine
6. Watchmen
5. 2012
4. UP
3. Where the Wild Things Are
2. Transformers
1. Star Trek
5. Grey Gardens (Rachel Portman)
4. Coraline (Bruno Coulais & other various artists)
3. Star Trek (Michael Giacchino)
2. Up (Michael Giacchino)
1. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Nicholas Hooper)
The Ones Buzzing That I Havent Seen Yet that will no doubt change my best movie list.
Single Man
Me and Orson Welles
Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire
Red Cliff
The White Ribbon
A Prophet
Up in the Air
The Hurt Locker
The Lovely Bones
Biggest Disappointments
5. Wolverine (I knew it would suck… but a tiny part of me wished it would have be amazing… something more serious -instead of campy/cartoony)
4. Monsters Vs. Aliens (Dreamworks follow-up to a favorite of mine (‘Kung Fu Panda’)… did not wow, and was just another film that over did the 3D)
3. Inkheart (I loved the Trailer… which tricked me into thinking this would be a great movie)
2. Transformers 2 (No story / just graphics only works for the box office)
1. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Stunning cinematography, soundtrack, and graphics could not save a screenplay overly saturated with teen romances and an ending entirely void of emotion and action – notice I said screenplay… not story.)
Best movies (While thinking about this… I really realized how few non-blockbuster movies Ive seen...pathetic)
6. Coraline
5. Fantastic Mr. Fox
4. Star Trek
3. An education
2. Inglorious bastards
1. Up