Its an award. Being nominated should be enough of an honor.
Im not really going to talk much on the Kanye thing, because everyone is in the same boat (at least everyone I've heard mention anything). But, I seem to remember that it wasnt all that long ago when ole West was speaking about how he needed to calm down the cockiness. Apparently, he had to put that goal on hold and again prove what is wrong with some celebrities. I mean, seriously, the poor girl.
There is plenty that I do appreciate about this situation. The backlash. Pink, Kelly Clarkson, the usually lame Speidi, and more all had something to say. And I think the biggest kick in the balls for Kanye was when Beyonce let Swift back on stage to finish.
As Americans, we tend to forget things like this quickly, so I hope this one is remembered. I would not mind seeing Kanye fail from this point on. Even if he came back in ten years.... Just for him to be reminded of how fragile fame and success can be. That moments like this should (and hopefully will) warrant backlash.
Pink said it perfectly, 'hes getting what he wants, people are talking about him'. So lets all stop and focus in another way....
Here is my proposition, dont buy his stuff (I certainly wont be) and support the other artists. And if you find yourself needing one of his songs or albums on a playlist... find an alternate method of obtaining said material (not that Im SUGGESTING the art of stealing).
And finally, I wanted to post Pink's discussion of what happened from eariler today on The Today Show. She has always been a favorite of mine.... and I wouldnt mind seeing her lay down the law on Kanye. Rock on girl, you're awesome.
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