So I got my news back reguarding the job over at Henson Studios... and it was not good.... Merry Christmas to me. But thats what happens in life. You get knocked down and you get up, and keep moving forward. Unfortunately, now the entire industry has gone on break for two weeks and I will not be able to do much of anything.
So, I have been here over a year now, endured countless rejections, and have somehow managed not to fall to pieces. Which, I will say, makes me proud of myself. Its all you can do is to keep believing. When something you want so badly goes awry and what you want is as simple as grabbing ahold of smoke, what else can you do but believe in yourself. And someday it will happen.
Last night a friend came by and ordered some ghastly chinese food (and I mean... like unedible), but I did snag a fortune cookie... And It's note was supprisingly relevant to my life.
"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
So... I guess that means that when I do get a job... its going to be taking over the creative department for Lucas or maybe writing, directing the "Magneto: Origins" movie (which I would be amazing at).
Everyone says that the more rejection you can endure, the stronger you will be in the end. Well... Im probably going to end up like The Thing" from Fantastic 4. Which... would not be too bad...
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