Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Where Have I Been?

I'll tell you where. But let me preface...

In LA, unemployment rates are higher than almost every part of the US. This is really the first recession that has affected the entertainment industry. Reason being? Who really knows. But my guess is that it has to do with the threat of the SAG going on strike. A few years ago, the writers went on strike, which shut down production of nearly everything for a while. People lost millions of dollars and remembering this no doubt terrifies studio executives.

So what would you do if you camera talents were threatening to strike at any minute? You would, just as the execs have, green lit far fewer projects. This means that many of the actors who are not "A or B list" will have to take less desirable roles, further pushing the unknown people down the post. Where do they go? Restaurants!

Anyways, so the actors and people who wish to work behind the camera, have all gone to work at restaurants and bars. THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is where I have been working. And restaurant work... is just awful.

So, last week... things finally began to look up! I am up for an assistant position at Jim Henson Studio (you know... Kermit the Frog), have someone helping me get an interview at William Morris (the talent agency), and finally... got a PA job for one week (starting next monday). So, since the restaurant has been so slow... this PA job will help me a lot. But Im really hoping for something to happen at Henson or WME. Fingers are very tightly crossed.

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