Then came the ursuping sequel and fan favorite, 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day' came July 1991. This film had a much larger budget at 102 million and won 4 academy awards! It took so long to shoot, that Edward Furlong, who played John Conner at the time, had hit a little thing called puberty and needed to dub all his lines over due to his much deeper voice!
'Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines' followed 12 years later (2003). Its something like the cousin that no one likes to talk about.

The movie did quite well, but disappointed fans. (X3 anyone?) This one centered on yet another robot coming back to in time to change the future, but this time was a sexy/scary woman. Anyways, T3 was not directed by Cameron and was an ultimately forgettable. (Even with a 200 million dollar budget! yikes...)

Now, 'Terminator Salvation' is playing in theaters everywhere. It has had the least amount of time in between the previous terminator film and again does not employ Cameron as the director. It had a 200 million dollar budget, and already looks as though it put it to use better than the previous film.
It takes place in 2018, which makes it not only a sequel.... but a prequel as well. Wrap your mind around that one! The director, McG has already mapped out a storyline for a trilogy so we are most likely to see more 'terminator' in the future.... or past.... or... uhhh Anyways, it depends on how this one even does, but its only winning audiences to score it a 'B' and citics as a 'C'. We'll see...
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