Sorry, I digress, so when I talk about Wolverine, and how it was or was not like the comics, I do not mean I wish for a faithful adaptation like Watchmen. I simply mean that what changed or didnt change, did or did not bother me. Capiche?
Wolverine was both good and bad. It was tremendously silly and overly dramatic, but had enough going on to keep people from leaving the theatre (if they managed to get past the dreadful first scene). I do not think that people will look back in a year and say "wow, wolverine was so awesome!". I think that, as far as movies go, this one seems like a lot of, for lack of better wording, stuff...... all happening at once. Read this article for a professionals explination who thinks of better wording than my 'stuff'. It sums everything up nicely: http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/weekendroundup_4_30_09.html
Now if you have seen the movie, go ahead and read on. If not ***spoiler alert****
OK, so like I said earlier, Wolverine was waaaaay too dramatic. I get that Logan likes to yell and throw his claws out to the side. But really? Do we have to see him screaming and looking to the sky quite so many times? And Sabertooths teeth baring? We get it, you have fangs.
Then there is the Weapon X scene. Now, when I said eariler that I didnt want to see things done like the comic? Well this is excluded. This was so tainted with prissyness, I wouldnt be surprised to see a soilder holding a barbie doll while it was happening. What happened to those great teaser shots from X2? Where was the blood? Where was the seriousness? And why was it so freaken short!? Its one of the biggest moments in comic history - Wolverine and his claws, where is the flippin justice!? I dont understand how things like this get botched. (Venom in Spiderman, Phoenix in Xmen, and now this...) And the nudity. The scene seemed almost only about showing Hugh Jackman's ass. Nuidity does not fit into this franchise. It makes it seem odd, and extremely out of place. (need I remind everyone that Bryan Singer didnt feel it was needed either) It would be like if someone said that neo and trinity having sex while some giant nudist rager was happening next door sounds like a good idea. But thank God that didnt happen. Phew!
Ok, next up is the blob. What a pointless waste of time. What a stupid fight scene. That needed to get cut, entirely and just have the cool(ish) teleporting black guy tell him about Gambit. And speaking of Gambit.... WTF. Do I even mention how pitiful his existence in the series became? How silly he looked? How it looked like he was part of the circus flipping and jumping around. He was one of my (and most fans) favorites, and geeze that was silly.
So, the adimantium bullets I thought was a neat addition. But why does Striker have to explain that shooting him in the head will make him loose his memory? That basically TELLS the audience he is going to get shot in the head. It would have been so much cooler if he left out the prediction of what would happen.
Alright, and then we have weapon 11.... deadpool. The super mutant. Who, is not really even that cool. (not to mention hes played by ryan Reynolds and very possibly having his own sequel). Having someone too good, no flaws, makes them boring. And to give them their own sequel makes me want to throw up. Maybe he can do more of that dancing/swinging his sword around like he did the first time he pulled those swords out, because that was awesome.... And finally.... my final greviance..... why, oh why.... does Sabertooths memory stay in tact?! If this is a prequel, then it is supposed to tie into X1. And need I remind America (again) that Sabertooth was in it! And not once does he seem to have a vendetta against old wolverine. Sure they fight.... but pfft. He should then know wolverine is his dear old bro.
But, in all honesty, this movie had redeming qualities. I thought the action, for the most part, was good. It was fun to watch and.... (minus sabertooths jumping around on all fours) was pretty well done. The end was cool with the escaping mutants while the plant gets demolished by wolverine, sabertooth and deadpool. And let me tell you, I didnt think I would like the classic xmutants making cameos, but was totally happy with cyclops's appearence! It was subtle enough to not bother me. But, OMG... When he heard Patrick Stewart say "left".... I nearly wet myself. That was so freaken awesome. Whoever thought to stick ole Xavier in there, needs a big hug from me. But whoever did the horrible anti-aging graphics... does not get a hug. I also liked the other mutants. Im glad that they were not all big names fromt he series (they might be, but I hadnt heard of any of them). I prefered them being mostly nameless because I wasnt as attached to how their story was done.
So, I know this sounds very wishy washy... but would I recommend this movie to you? Probably not. Unless you dont enjoy the comics. Then go check it out and enjoy a lot of explosions and other Michael Bay-ish type action.
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