Monday, May 25, 2009

The Hollywood Person

The temptation of fame is hard to ignore.  I can honestly say, that if someone knew me by name or what I have done, I would be thrilled.  But the idea of walking down the street with the paparazzi following my every move would get old the very first time it happened.  In Los Angeles, everyone wants to be famous.  Everyone wants to be an actor, musician, model, writer, director, ect.  And now that I work at a restaurant, I am one of four of about 40 that is not an actor, singer, or model(im not kidding).  No matter how attractive some of the people are there, most of them claim they are actors/models, but do not ever go out for auditions.  They do not have agents or headshots.  They say they aspire to be actors but seem to be waiting for the opportunities instead of going out and controlling what happens.  

Im not saying that they would be bad actors, but they do not apply themselves.  It is a rough industry.  You need to audition every chance you get.  You need to have an agent and you need headshots.  Simply having a pretty face is not enough.  And this is true for every aspect of the entertainment industry.  You need to be more than someone just standing around.  There is always going to be someone better (looking/talented) in this city.  Just hanging around waiting for opportunities hardly ever works.

This brings me to my point.  There are plenty of people in this industry who want to be actors, writers, ect.  Then there are people who ARE actors, writers, ect.  The line isnt as thick as you might think.  You can be a actor in this city.  Just dont expect to be famous.  Be rational.  The people who make it as leading roles have the right connections, looks, AND talent.  Its not meant to be discouraging, but its truth.  The percentage of people who get let down by not getting call backs are the ones who will be working for years and years as extras and waiters.  The ones who continue on and are persistent are the ones who will do well.  They will most likely not become famous, but secondary actors for sure.  

I purpose there are three levels to the "actor".  The black zone, grey, and white zone.  White is the largest full of people who want to be something but spend their time as extras.  Grey is small, but accomplishable.  It is the zone of working actors, writers, ect.  And the Black zone is the truly successful actor, ect.  

People can become a "working grey zone" but (at least as far as actors go) most will stay in that zone.  I was explaining to a friend, who wants to act, that I dont think she would ever make it to the black zone.  Because- 1) she doesnt apply herself, and 2) because becoming so successful has to do with being a great actor.  I dont think I know anyone who has the talent of a Meryl Streep or Dustin Hoffman.  Even the most talented people I know dont have this quality (or have not shown it to me).

So when I say that no one I know will be a truly successful actor, Im saying that they will most likely not be famous and on the cover of magazines.  Not that they wouldn't live a life as an actor and make a living.  Its complicated, but people need to understand that being famous comes from training at the right schools, knowing the right people, and being very good at your craft.  So dont be discouraged by my saying you will not be famous.  Im saying to be realistic, and use your skills to perfect your craft to become a success.  And  by all means, prove me wrong.  :)

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