For those of you unfamiliar to comics, Thor is another of the characters in the world of mutants, who doesn't identify as being so. Nor is he human. He actually identifies himself as a god. The god of thunder, actually. He is a punished warrior who is sent to earth after re-igniting an ancient war.
I know nothing of Thor. The only think I can think of when this character comes to mind, is "I wonder who would win in a battle between Thor and Storm". Nerdy? Oh yes.

But what does excite me about this film is the casting. Thor is being played by Chris Hemsworth, who had a brief but great scene in this summers titan "Star Trek" as Kirk's father. Then, on an even more fun note, is that his love interest Jane Foster, is being played by Natalie

Portman. And as the villain, Loki, is being taken by Tom Hiddleson (who I don't know of)
Anyways, this film is no doubt going to continue tying in the characters from the Avengers and will no doubt someday create a movie (though I have no idea how they plan to pay all these actors and still have a budget). "Thor" is due out on May 20, 2011... so we have some time to think about an epic battle between him and Storm....
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