So, I finally got the chance to see "Coraline" and I was certainly not dissapointed. The film is pretty spectacular in itself. The first to film in 3D, the stop animation display was brilliant. If you have a blu-ray player (not sure about the DVD version), you can watch it in 3D at home. Which is pretty neat in itself, but if you own a blu-ray player to enjoy the colors and definition, watch it 2D. The 3D is distracting at times, and because you watch it wearing those terrible red and green glasses, the colors are almost entirely lost. Its interesting because if you decide to loose the glasses, the film looks the same as any other stop animation film. With them, it looks as though you are watching something entirely new, almost like CGI animation.

The film itself is great. Very much like Alice in Wonderland, a young girl finds a way into a world similar to her own. But soon, Coraline discovers that everything is faux as the two worlds begin to collide, she must make things right.
I appreciate films that are dark, and borderline scary. The thought of sewing buttons onto your eyes, is not all that appealing. Nor are half the things Corline comes to experience. This isnt something I would take a child to. It is like nightmare central (image below). But, for us 13 and up, its good fun. Check it out.

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