Lets talk the film industry, living and working in LA, and all the alcohol you have to drink to fit in.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Prince of Persia
Due to be released May 2010, "Prince of Persia" a Disney production will hit screens. Disney has released two promotional pictures, which are certainly well done. I never played the video game, but am already hoping that it will not end up as unfortunate as so many game-to-movie titles.
The flick is starring mister Jake Gyllenhaal so hopefully that will give it a little more 'umph'.
Its a hard decision, what you want to do with your life. What is it that you want to spend every waking hour, until youre sixty-ish, eating/breathing/and sleeping. Sometimes it takes people years to figure out what they want to do. As for me, I always knew film was going to be the path. But which aspect I wanted to work began to erase the lines of what I thought my oh so clear future would be.
When I began being known for my work as a writer, things finally started coming together. Its not what I dreamed of doing, but what I'm good at.
During the fall of 2008, I finally moved to LA. Here, I have met some of my biggest idols, and created some new ones.
One thing to be said about this industry is that it is absolutely insane. And I mean it all: the hours, the boss's requests, and of course, the in-front-of-the-camera presences. But its also that aspect I love. I want to continue carving a place into the film industry, and hope that discussing my path might be a helpful learning tool for others with big dreams.
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