I will start out by stating the obvious, this movie had an absurd amount of hype. It was really amazing how much publicity this movie recieved simply by word of mouth. I mean, sure it had a following from the already popular novels, but I was really very surprised by how the movie turned the series into a phenomenon.
So, I dont know anything about the books, except that they have to do with vampires. So, I decided to suck it up (no pun) and see what this movie was all about, when released on blu ray (not theatres... I didnt care enough to do that). But was it worth all this hype?

The easy answer is no. Because Twilight is not a good movie. Did it have things about it I liked? Yes. For one, I loved the scenery shots. I liked the bizarre relationship. And, being a person who loves fantastic imagry, I really thought the gazebo scene, along with the tour of the vampire home, were beautiful (blu ray really does this movie some well deserved justice - colors are vibrant and unreal but fitting - reviewed on one of my favorite high def sites - http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/2045/twilight.html. Also, I really liked the villian played by Cam Gigandet (right).
But that was really about it. And with each good thing, there were about ten bad. And the things that were bad.... were really, really hard to suffer through. I actually started this movie, had to stop, then a few days later, convinced myself to endure it and try to understand what about it doesn't work.
This is how I break it down. The 'fast paced' walking/running effect was absolutly horrible and distracting. Honestly, it looks like the disk is skipping. The running through the forrest scene is outrageous. The villians with the boat in the harbor was laughable. And the climax was dissapointing as far as a finale goes.
But, consider this, 'Twilight' was a low budget film (it actually only had a 37 million dollar budget). Im not sure

most people know that, and for me changes a lot. But what should have changed to save money and thus added into other scenes?
The running sequence could have been done better, the fast paced movements (I acknowledge as disk skipping nonsense) could have been done more simply, and some of the smaller scenes deleted. The baseball scene could have been shorter, thats for sure. A lot less driving (these people seemed to be in their cars at all times) Would have been nice.
Being a guy who loves sci-fi and fantasy, I would have liked to see more action at the end. All this build up for a pretty boring ending (minus, beating up of the Kristen Stewart character - which I appreciated - no pun intended actually). Then, villain Cam Gigandet was hardly in the movie - this was disappointing because I actually was most interested in his character and how he was going to shake things up to the protagonists, alas... getting hardly anything. I know it's totally a sexist remark, but this really feels like a movie directed by a woman (which, it was - Catherine Hardwickle), because so little is attention is paid to action and too much on sappy "I love you but stay away" romance. Sorry, guys... (I feel your pain).
So, in the end, will I recommend this movie? Yes and no. To people like my mom, and other people uninterested in creating film, no. Stay away! This has so little emotional value,

you'll no doubt finish the film with a very raised eyebrow.
But people who are in fact interested in making films, I say yes. You might laugh at my reasoning, but I'm 100% serious. I think that to understand good film is to see just as many bad ones
as good. You need to know why a bad movie is bad. Why it doesn't deliver (although, this movie had huge profits - 37 million budget and over 376 million gross revenue - maybe I should have said satisfy instead of deliver) and what you personally think was wrong with it.
Now, you might disagree with me. Which is great. Everyone should have an opinion. But there it is- why, I think you should or should not see Twilight.
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