So, I realized that I've done a lot of bashing of movies the past few days (however I am not saying that they don't deserve it). Though, I would like to say something about bad movies. There are a few that I really enjoy, regardless of being hated by the general public. I think it's a good time to acknowledge that I do love a "bad" movie every so often and will stand up for why I like them whenever someone wants to argue against them.
Let's begin, shall we?

1) Superman Returns
This movie, I enjoy arguing for most. I loved it. But, I know so many people who couldnt stand it. So the question comes up, is Superman Returns a conventionally "bad" film? Certainly not. People went to see it, and many enjoyed it. But, those who didn't like it would most likely agree with this quote by Roger Ebert for the Chicago Sun-Times regarding "Superman" -"This is a glum, lackluster movie in which even the big effects sequences seem dutiful instead of exhilarating." This movie has special effects in so many shots that are really rather breathtaking, but the action sequences fall short. Why is this? Here's my personal opinion why I think so many were disappointed by this, and I wasn't bothered....
This film was done by Bryan Singer, so I say that to understand the film a little better, take a look as his past work. Im going to use "X-men" as an example. "X-men" was a tremendous success because it sought out to, and successfully reinvented, the comic book movie. But if we now look back at "X-Men" (after being treated to the beautiful action and special effects in "Xmen2", "Batman Begins"/"Dk Knight", "Iron Man", ect.) we see a rather wordy film with not much action. In fact, polls show that X-Men is the least favored by the public (I cant even begin to go into how much I disagree with that, being that I hate, hate, HATE "The Last Stand"). My point here, is that Xmen is a setup. I believe that Superman Returns was created in much of the same way. We are supposed to be waiting for the next film (which is apparently called "Superman Unleashed" and will be out in a few years). People might see then that this film was supposed to show Superman having to deal with, not Luthor, but human emotion. And perhaps they will appreciate Singer's attempt at revamping a comic book character that people find difficult to even identify with (we love a badass - Batman, Tony Stark, Wolverine- characters who arnt necessarily good people. Superman doesn't seem to have anything wrong with him, and we have grown away from enjoying characters like that).
In a nutshell (sorry for that rant), Superman, in my opinion, is a beautifully shot setup film hoping to appeal to a new generation of young people who have not been introduced to the hero on the big screen. If you are determined to hate this film, at least appreciate the soundtrack by John Ottman, its really a good one. So, does this mean that the public is just too stupid to understand? I would like to say no, but generally people don't say nice things when talking about humanity as a whole...
2) Speed Racer
Now, this movie is hated. People just HATED this film. I first saw this movie on my big high def TV in bluray. This means two things. 1-I did not see it in theaters and had heard for months how horrible this film was. And 2 - it looked unreal, beautiful, and shocking (I'm trying to say the graphics are spectacular in high def). So, I went into "Racer" with a different view. I was expecting something horrible, and got something I really enjoyed. I liked this movie mainly for the graphics, and paid little attention to the story. For me, It's like a being a kid in a candy store... on E and Acid.

I've said before I am a visual person, and this movie just does it for me. Its not trying to be like superman or x-men or Iron man. It was appealing to the fans of the show (I am not one of those). It is tremendously stylized, like the show, and doesn't pretend to be a conventional/normal looking film. Its trying to be what you might imagine a live action anime to look like. The acting isn't great, it makes people (not me, but I've seen it happen) dizzy, and there is so much happening all at once you arn't exactly sure where to look. One thing I want to point out, is the ending. I don't know what it is but, I just love that driving sequence edited with previous footage mixed in with the sports announcers screaming and the checkerboard swirling like a kelildeoscope. Love it.
For me, Its a fun film i can just zone out and watch. If you go into this movie having bad expectations and just want to see some beautiful colors whirling around like your brights in the wash, It's very possible you will end up feeling the same about this movie as I do.
3) Golden Compass
This movie is a big disappointment to me. I really had hoped for it to be better received, because I wanted to see the next two books on screen.... which I don't think is going to happen. I know the story from the books (I cheated and looked them up on Wikipedia and didn't read them), but it's clear to me that people watching this movie had no idea what was going on. Myself included (pre wikipedia search).

There were so many characters, all doing different things, and there was no explanation. Is Nicole Kidman good or bad? What's the point of
Daniel Craig's character? Who/why what are Gyptians? Is the polar bear supposed to b an alcoholic? And why cant the witches have more screen time? None of this is answered. So, to feel a little strange when the credits start rolling (not to mention being paired with the awful song "Lyra"), is totally normal as everyone leaving feels a bit like you, bewildered. What this movie needed was, simply, some more explanation. We are an audience of the new millennium. We want to be told, not sent to find information and answers.
But, again for me, I like this movie for its visual story. It deserved its academy award for visual effects. But, alas, visual effects couldn't save this movie from religious opposition, its horrible ending, and ultimately disastrous box office results that helped put an end to New Line.
4) Stardust

Stardust is a great movie. But, is another I find myself arguing for a lot. You either love this movie, or hate it. There seems to be no gray area. I'll keep this short, but its a film that has great performances, good humor, interesting storyline -I hate the comparison to "Princess Bride" but understand it, and a surprisingly great climax. Its just a fun film that is easy to make fun of. The graphics could be better - but other than that, I don't understand what people loathe about this film.
I think that's good (I am sure there are plenty more). Really, I just wanted to say that I am no film snob and love a bad movie every so often. You'll hopefully understand my point, and if you disagree with it.... you are certainly not alone. ;)