Talk about it being time for an update! Wow, where did I go?!
Anyways, lets start with a quick blurb about the "Snow White" blu-ray. So, I bought myself a copy and finally had a chance to watch it. Its peculiar how time can change something. I remember "Snow White" to be short in length, funny, and somewhat scary. But, that was 20 years ago. Now, it is a classic. Does this mean that it is still as enjoyable as it was when I was little? No. But it came out in a very different time. Films were more dramatic, acting was far less realistic with a more theatrical feel. Think Betty Davis in "Marked Woman".
Anyways, Miss White spends half the movie screaming about nothing and running while holding the front of her dress up. Not to mention, girl falls in love with a homosexual prince in less than 60 seconds (talk about settling). I mean, this movie really doesn't do much for women except teach them to rely on men, be nice to little people, dont hate the gays - fall in love with them (especially if youre desperate and dont want to have to work), and be wary of fruits and vegetables. But again, that was the time. And there is plenty to appreciate about this movie.

Lets start with my favorite aspect, the fact that this was a hand drawn cartoon... the first feature lenght animated film... EVER. Consider this, if the audience didnt like this film, few of my generation would know the name Disney. No joke. If Snow White did terribly and the audience couldn't buy the idea of feature length animation, Disney would have no money left to try a second attempt. And none of the films we know today would have been made.
Also, the movie is very beautiful. Spectacular really. It isnt anywhere near as advanced as "Sleeping Beauty" (which looks like a brand new film on blu ray) but that also came out 22 years later. I just have to point out that some of the shots and sequences that are just amaizing. The few that stand out, are the queen (doing basically anything - but especially her transformation), Snow White running through the woods, the cleaning of the house, and the dance between the dwarfs and SW. Really beautifully done.
If you have a love for old animation, or have children, check this out. It may not be what you remember, but it certainly will never be forgotten.

This is a picture Disney put out with Rachel Weisz. Just thought it was worth posting.