If you are unaware of what im talking about, let me explain.
Lets travel back 31 years to Jack Nicholson's abode. There, Roman Polanski was enjoying sex with a younger woman. And they were doing things that many couples do while not wearing clothes (I dont need to go into specifics, if you need more definition, look it up). Low and behold, Polansky was slapped with a rape charge. Why? Because the girl, who was younger, was actually MUCH younger. Being only 13.
Ok, now that you have gotten back up from falling out of your chair, lets move on. Polanskipleaded guilty to this charge, and was sentenced to 42 days in a Chino State Prison to be examined for psychiatric abnormalities. Anyways, when he was out, the judge deemed he was fit to stand trial.
But here's the rub. Wasnt that already his sentence? I mean, he probably expected to pay some fines and take some counciling, but he already served time. Now the judge wanted him to stand trial? So Polanski decided to break bail and fly to London way back in 1978. He has not been back to the US since.
I think that as far as the story goes... its the judges fault. Not that Im ok with Polanski's choice to mess around with someone just hardly a teenager, but the Judge should have been more clear when sending him to prison all those years ago. I have never heard of anyone going to prison, only to serve time deemed by a judge and then have to come back to court... ugh... im sick and all this hurts my head. Bottom line, the whole situation is as messed up as it gets. Anyways, now Polanski has been arrested in Zurich, and facing being extradited to the US. Polanski is no doubt going to get in some trouble for running and breaking bail, but what of the actual case? What do you think should happen? And what should happen with his most recent film that had to be halted mid-production?