Because ive been so busy, and haven't been writing... anything... I will give my sum ups for the recent movies ive seen.

Alice in Wonderland- Boring. The graphics were really nice and I love Tim Burton's vision, as he is a perfect choice for Wonderland, but something was lacking. I didnt mind the "sequel" to the alice series idea, but with the over-saturation of Johnny Depp when I would have preferred see Alice team up with the Cheshire Cat... or something. Id say 6/10 if 5 is considered average.

Percy Jackson & the Lightning Theif - Surprise! I went into that movie thinking... oh... its going to be a Greek tragedy, but I was so thrilled to see some mindless action and graphics with a story that kept me paying attention. It is not a brilliant film, but the imagery and characters had me leaving the theatre wanting more from the series. 7.5/10
Clash of the Titans - Did someone say Greek tragedy? Wow, what a mess! This was a story that really relied on graphics and was so poorly marketed, that there was not a single suprise as everything was laid out in the trailers and billboards! I love greek mythology, and the acting was good, but i expected so much more. Dont bother with the 3D, probably would look better without. However, i was thrilled to see Gemma Arterton from Quantum of Solace and "Single Man's" Nicholas Hoult. Two rising stars that we should all continue paying attention to. 4.5/10
How to train your dragon - Loved every second of it. If you can see it in 3D, I recommend that. 8.5/10
Zombieland - The cinematography and graphics were actually REALLY well done. BUT... zombies scare me in an irrational way and I dont like excess gore... which this film had excess of. Still... it's a well made movie and im giving it a higher rating mainly thanks to its beautifully done (yet disgusting) opening sequence. Then again, Im open to think that perhaps Im just overly enamored by slow motion. 6.5/10